Scroll Down for our popular & cost savings combos
Additional Days - Simply sign up for more days with us no matter what course you are doing. Option course or combo course, take more time and have more fun.
Unlike other sailing schools, we offer one-on-one training. This means it will just be you or your group and your private trainer and a sailboat all to yourself. This way you can feel relaxed, knowing that you gain everything that is being taught which gives you true understanding of the processes involved in sailing competently on a good size sailing yacht.
Option 1 -
"Fun day Sailing with Intelligent Sailing"
(One Day)
This is a one day program. You will meet with our Trainer and enjoy a nice day sailing on the water. We can even offer sail training, giving you basic understanding of why sailing is popular for all ages & backgrounds. Our goal is to put fun into sailing by making your sailing dream a reality. Simply turn up relax and feel special during a day to remember. No Stress, just lots of Fun!
Option 6 -
ASA 105 Online (100% REMOTE) or a Combo Online/Let's Go Sailing Course Over 3-Days.
- Coastal Navigation Course -
New re-written and upgraded course!
(105) Able to demonstrate the navigational theory required to safely navigate a sailing vessel in coastal or inland waters. There is no Sailing Skills part to this Standard, however upgrade the course and go sailing over three days!
100% Remote Online no need to book a sailboat. Or do it on our fleet, Three Day Course with Online Study
Option 2 -
ASA 101, 2 Day Course.
- Basic Keel Boat Course -
(101) Learn terminology, equipment, sailing theory, points of sail, crew communication, crew overboard recovery, knots, traffic rules, with emphasis on docking and safety.
Option 3 -
ASA 103, 2 Day Course.
- Coastal Cruising Course -
(103) Sailor learns to cruise safely in local and regional waters, as both skipper and crew, Learn Coast Guard equipment requirements, emergency handling, anchoring equipment and techniques, sail handling and reefing, chart reading, docking, weather and much more. (ASA 101 required.)
Option 4 -
ASA 118, 2 Day Course.
- Advanced Docking Endorsement -
(118) This course which teaches docking skills. Basic theory is explained along with hands-on techniques needed to dock and undock boats safely and efficiently without damage or injury.
Option 5 -
ASA 104, 4 Day Course.
- Bareboat Cruising Course -
(104) This course includes knowledge of onboard systems including minor engine troubleshooting, fuel, cooling and electrical systems, the head, and safe use of the galley. Practice piloting, navigation, anchoring, docking, cruise planning, VHF radio use and other skills required for coastal cruising or island hopping. (ASA 101/103 required.)
Option 7 -
ASA 106, 3 Day Trip Course.
- Advanced Coastal Cruising Course -
(106) Able to safely act as skipper and crew of a sailing vessel in coastal and inland waters.
Option 8 -
ASA 111, 2 Day Course.
- Sailing Review Course -
(111) Desire to improve or re-familiarize sailing knowledge and skills imparted during previous ASA keelboat certification course(s). Student and Instructor jointly decide on goals prior to the start of the review (ASA 101 Required).
Combo Courses are more popular, fun and cost efficient than the standard ASA options.
Select one of combo course below/use the form below for a quote.
If you can't find a combo course from the list that you want, email us and we will design one just for you.
Combo 3 -
ASA 101, 103, & 104 (Combo), 6 Day Course
- Basic Keel Boat, Coastal & Bareboat Cruising Combo -
This is our most Popular Combo Course
Combo 1 -
ASA 101 & 103 (Combo), 3 Day Course
- Basic Keel Boat & Coastal Cruising Combo -
Our 2nd most Popular Course
Combo 5 -
ASA 101, 103, 104, & 118 (Combo), 6 Day Course
- Basic Keel Boat, Coastal/Bareboat Cruising & Advanced Docking Combo -
This is our 3rd most popular course
Combo 2 -
ASA 101, 103, & 118 (Combo), 4 Day Course
- Basic Keel Boat, Coastal Cruising & Advanced Docking Combo -
Combo 4 -
ASA 103 & 104 (Combo), 5 Day Course
- Coastal & Bareboat Cruising Combo -
Must be 101 Certified
Combo 6 -
ASA 103, 104, & 118 (Combo), 6 Day Course
- Coastal/Bareboat Cruising & Advanced Docking Combo -
Must be 101 Certified
Combo 7 -
ASA 104 & 118 (Combo), 5 Day Course
- Bareboat Cruising & Advanced Docking Combo -
Must be 101 & 103 Certified
Combo 8 -
ASA 103, 104, 106, & 118 (Combo), 8 Day Course - FOUR Certifications.
- Coastal Cruising, Bareboat Cruising, Advanced Coastal Cruising & Advanced Docking Combo -
Must be 101 Certified
Combo 9 -
ASA 101, 103, 104, 106, & 118 (Combo), 9 Day Course - FIVE Certifications.
- Basic Keel Boat, Coastal Cruising, Bareboat Cruising, Advanced Coastal Cruising & Advanced Docking Combo -
Combo 10 -
ASA 105, 106, & 118 (Combo), 4 Day Course -
- Coastal Navigation, Advanced Coastal Cruising & Advanced Docking Combo -
Must Be 101, 103, & 104 Certified
Combo 11 -
ASA 105 & 106 (Combo), 3 Day Course
- Coastal Navigation & Advance Coastal Cruising Combo -
Must be 101, 103, & 104 Certified
Combo 12 -
ASA 106 & 118 (Combo), 4 Day Course -
- Advanced Coastal Cruising & Advanced Docking Combo -
Must Be 101, 103, 104, & 105 Certified
Combo 13 -
ASA 104 &, 106 (Combo), 6 Day Course - Bareboat Cruising, Advanced Coastal Cruising Combo -
Must be 101, 103, & 105 Certified
Combo 14 -
ASA 105 & 118 (Combo), 3 Day Course -
- Coastal Navigation, & Advanced Docking Combo -
Must Be 101 & 103 Certified
Combo 15 -
ASA 101, 103, 104, & 106 (Combo),
8 Day Course - FOUR Certifications.
- Basic Keelboat, Coastal Cruising, Bareboat Cruising, & Advanced Coastal Cruising Combo
Combo 16 -
ASA 103, 104, & 106 (Combo), 7 Day Course - Coastal Cruising, Bareboat Cruising, Advanced Coastal Cruising Combo -
Must be 101 & 105 Certified
Combo 17 -
ASA 104, 106 &, 118 (Combo), 6 Day Course - Bareboat Cruising, Advanced Coastal Cruising & Advance Docking Combo -
Must be 101, 103, & 105 Certified
Combo 18 -
ASA 103, & 118 (Combo), 3 Day Course
- Coastal Cruising & Advanced Docking Combo -
Combo ASA 111 + -
ASA 111 and pick any ASA course or Intelligent Sailing Combo. - Sailing Review Course combined with any course of your choice.
Combo 20+ -
We have a lot of combos to choose from, but perhaps there was one that we haven't come up yet.
As we provide one-on-one instruction, we can build a course for you. So let us know what you want and we will make do our best to make it happen.
We will build a New Course for You!
Intelligent Sailing School is the only sailing school that provides one-on-one instruction: you, the boat, and the Captain - all to yourself. Fully-equipped Monohulls in a huge range of sizes.
Sail the Standard i.S 32, i.S 34, or i.S 35, or GO BIG - Sail the i.S 38, GO BIGGER - Sail the i.S 42, or GO BOLD - Sail the i.S 51. All Go big, go bigger and go bold has a layout of 3 cabins, 2 electric heads, these yachts makes for a perfect vacation for you and your family, all while you learn to sail on brand new boats. Our yachts are fully-loaded with air conditioning. Our professional Captains will 'hold your hand' during the entire length of your course or vacation; you will be in safe hands and have the experience of a lifetime. We have a variety of courses to choose from (click here for mono courses), and you can select any from below. We have options both with or without ASA certification – all depending on what you'd like. Intelligent Sailing will give you a wonderful and comfortable experience to remember.
Intelligent Sailing School will provide private instruction at a time that is convenient for YOU. Our Intelligent Sailing trainers will act like the Pro at the local golf club; our goal is to be available to you for private coaching lessons on a private yacht.